Nourishing and Medicinal Cannabis Recipes

CannaCannabisApothecaryBottlebis is a nourishing and medicinal plant that has been cultivated world-wide throughout the history of our planet.

Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has been used by people since long before the recording of history. During the Neolithic period, ancient people used every part of the plant.

The stems and stalk provided fiber, which was used to make rope and clothing. The seeds were used for their nutritional value as a source of omega three and omega 6 fatty acids and high-quality protein. The leaves and flowers were used by healers. 

The first written reference to the medical use of cannabis was in China in 2700 BC. It was written by Emperor Shen Nong, “the Divine Farmer of ancient China”.  He is considered to be the first person to create a written record of classical Chinese herbal medicine. He introduced the custom of drinking marijuana tea, recommended for more than 100 ailments, including gout, constipation, rheumatism and malaria.

The first botanical illustration of the plant in Western literature appears in a manuscript of Dioscorides in 512 AD. Dioscorides is best known for his Materia Medica, which is the basis for our modern pharmacopeia. 

So now we know that Cannabis is actually a serious medicinal herb

We grow a lot of nutritious foods around here, and always include a high-CBD Cannabis plant in our greens garden. I encourage everyone to grow their own organic Cannabis.  Why?  It’s delicious, highly remineralizing and nourishing, and there is no “high” when leaves are consumed fresh (my dogs love the leaves)!

Use the fresh leaves to make a highly nourishing, medicinal pesto:

1 c packed fresh Cannabis leaves
1 c packed fresh Basil leaves
4-5 cloves Garlic
2 tbs dried Nettle
1/2 c walnuts

Process lightly in food processor, then add

3-4 Tbs Lemon Juice
3-4 Tbs Olive Oil
Salt to taste
Cayenne to taste

Process again to desired texture.  This is some Serious Goodness!

Dry the leaves and make Cannabis tea

Simply harvest a basket full of leaves, allow to dry, and then make tea!  It has a slightly green, nutty flavor on it’s own, or you can infuse it with Twig or Black tea.  Delicious!

Anti-Inflammatory Blueberry Smoothie

8-9 fresh cannabis leaves
1 c blueberries
1 c coconut milk
1 Tbs chia seeds
honey or stevia or maple syrup if you like it sweeter

Blend and enjoy!!

My friend freezes the Cannabis leaves in serving sized packets so they can make smoothies all winter.  No high, just nourishment at the cellular level.

Coconut Oil Infused with Cannabis

Fill a jar 1/2 full of fresh Cannabis leaves and buds, lightly packed.  Pour melted coconut oil over  herbs, making sure to completely cover herbs, and allow to infuse for 4-6 weeks.  I leave mine sitting in the sun.  Strain when in liquid form at the end of your infusion time, and always test this and any other Cannabis formula you are ingesting with small doses at first.  Since this formulation contains buds, it will contain some THC.  Always start with small doses.

This oil infusion, made with high CBD cannabis, is an excellent sleep inducing formula for humans (1/4 tsp before bed) and has potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Dogs can benefit greatly from small, regular doses of cannabis infused coconut oil.  Remember – Always test products on yourself before giving a fraction of your dose to your dog.

Herbal Elixir for Nervous and Digestive Support

Blended with other herbs, high CBD cannabis can create a powerful formulation to support the nervous and digestive systems.  One of my favorite formulas uses the fresh and fragrant flowers of Meadowsweet, Valerian and Chamomile in combination with fresh Cannabis. Infuse equal parts of these flowers + Cannabis in Brandy + Honey (50/50) for 2-4 weeks.  Very relaxing, and amazing for the digestive system since both Meadowsweet and Chamomile are digestive herbs.  Great bedtime formula!

Phoenix Tears, Rick Simpson Oil, or Medicinal Cannabis concentrate:

Fresh plant material and a long infusion time = my own process for making a very powerful Cannabis concentrate.  I encourage everyone to grow their own organic Cannabis or find a friend who can grow it for you.  It’s a vigorous plant that requires full sun and deep waterings.  Each plant gets quite large (6-8′ tall x 4-5′ wide), and provides generously.  Be ready for it!  Harvesting even one plant can seem a little overwhelming to new growers.

At harvest time, around the end of September or early October here in Zone 5, you can simply grab a 1/2 gallon jar and go out to the garden.  Use your good garden clippers to cut the pinecone shaped buds and pack them lightly into the jar.  Cannabis is ready to harvest when the buds become sticky.  The resin is medicinal!

Leave 3″ above the top of the lightly packed herbs. Cover the organic buds completely with Everclear, cap tightly and sit in a sunny or warm location for 6-8 months.  Make sure you have covered the herbs completely with the Everclear.  Leave some room for the alcohol to move around the herbs when you periodically shake the jar.  Also note that even though you are using fresh plant material, it will absorb the alcohol and swell slightly, so leave a little room.  The 1/2 gallon jar of infusion will yield approximately 1/2 pint of the tar-like concentrate.

Always Label!

Name of Plant:

Beginning date of infusion:

Ending date of infusion:

% Indica:

% Sativa:

% CBD:

% THC:

Note the ounces of plant material and amount of Everclear used.

(all the above info is available on line – just enter the name of your cannabis strain)

Even though all of the instructions for Phoenix Tears that I’ve seen in my research use dried plant material, it just made sense to me as an herbalist to try it with fresh Cannabis.  Supposedly the THC (also highly medicinal) doesn’t get activated unless the plant is dried or heated, but I guarantee there is THC in my version, as I have experienced it for myself, even with high CBD plants.

Infuse for 6-8 months

Keep in a warm location and shake on occasion.  After 6-8 months, the infusion becomes very dark green.  Pour the liquid and plant material through a potato ricer and press as much of the liquid as possible into a large measuring cup or bowl.  Yes, it requires some effort, but you want to capture every drop of that infusion!

Compost the leftover plant material.

On a nice day, take your crockpot or rice cooker outside (to an electrical outlet) and carefully pour in the pressed Cannabis infusion.  Keep the heat setting on the lowest temperature and be ready to check in on the evaporation process all throughout the day.  This can take a couple days, depending.  If it does take more than one day, unplug the crockpot at night and put a lid on to keep insects out.  

Never ever light a match or lighter in the vicinity of the Everclear solution!  It’s highly flammable, which is why I suggest doing this process outside, and never on the stove.

It will take a number of hours, but the alcohol will evaporate and you will be left with about 1/2 pint of  a very dark, tar-like substance, which is the powerful medicine of the cannabis plant.

It’s tricky to remove this substance from the crockpot, but a small spatula coated in coconut oil works pretty well.  To remove every last bit, you can add a small amount of coconut oil, or other good oil of choice to the crockpot to thin the black concentrate a bit.  It’s super sticky – like tar.

Dosage: Start with very small doses!  Dip a toothpick into the concentrate at first.   Later, dipping your finger into the resin and licking it off will work as your cannabinoid receptors become accustomed to the medicine. Spoiler alert:  It tastes terrible!!!!  

Yes, you can get high from ingesting this concentrate, so go slowly and pay attention to how you feel with each increased dose.  The idea is to keep a continuous supply of healing cannabinoids in your body at all times.  Healing can occur more deeply and profoundly when our cannabinoid receptors are filled.

Using dried plant material will also work.

You can use dried plant material in almost the same way, and probably with similar results.  In fact, a few of us are getting together to make a batch of Phoenix Tears using dried plant material and a much shorter infusion time.  I will keep you posted!  

Always use organic Cannabis.  I suggest growing your own or find a friend who has room to grow some for you!  You do not want to concentrate fungicides, herbicides or pesticides into your healing cannabis medicine.

As the famous herbalist, Michael Moore, said about Cannabis, “It’s just another damn herb!”  That’s true!  And it’s an herb that has a lot to offer in the way of nutrition and healing!

Blessings to you and your gardens,

Tasha's presence is always with me

About Sarah Wadleigh

I am a Clinical Herbalist, Organic Gardener and Nutritional Consultant for people and companion animals. I live in Madrid, New Mexico with my wonderful husband, two little dogs and a big cat. My practice revolves around helping people create health through whole-food nutrition, nutritive herbs, lifestyle and self-awareness. With more than 20 years of experience as an animal nutritional counselor, I offer consultations to improve the health and well-being of our four-legged friends, as well as their humans. We can work together via Skype, in person,or over the phone. Let's create health for ourselves and our animal companions! Contact:
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4 Responses to Nourishing and Medicinal Cannabis Recipes

  1. Barb Longstreth says:

    Hi Sarah I am awaiting a hip replacement surgery and have been in pain. Just bought some cbd ointment and would love anything you can suggest!
    Barb Longstreth

    • Hi, Barb.

      Thank you for inquiring!

      I understand Ohio has recently legalized medicinal cannabis use. Since you are scheduled for a hip replacement, you should certainly qualify to get a medical cannabis license or prescription.

      The CBD ointment should be helpful. I also suggest taking cannabis internally in the form of infused coconut oil. We take some every day at our house to supply cannabinoids and keep ourselves in balance. This formulation also encourages deep, restorative sleep. What kind of oil is used in your ointment? If it is coconut oil, you could take some of that internally.

      To make your own infused coconut oil, I recommend visiting your local medicinal cannabis dispensary and requesting a high CBD strain of cannabis. Then follow the instructions in the article using the dried cannabis. Or if you know someone who is growing cannabis organically, you can request some fresh plant material from them. Once you have infused and strained the coconut oil, start taking very small amounts (1/16 tsp) to find out your ideal dosage. I recommend starting a regular internal dose right away, before the surgery, so that you can build up an internal supply of cannabinoids. Every cannabis strain is different, even the high CBD plants, so always test with very small doses and increase from there.

      The blueberry smoothie is also highly anti-inflammatory. Assuming the laws in Ohio allow for growing one or more plants, you can grow some cannabis or find a friend who does so, and harvest the leaves. Timing may be a concern here, as your surgery may happen prior to late summer, when cannabis plants are ready to harvest.

      High dose Vitamin C all throughout the day and night can also help dramatically with inflammation and recovery. Once again, don’t take too much at once. The idea is to keep an ongoing supply of this wonderful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory vitamin circulating in your body.

      Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  2. Miriam Holley says:

    Sarah….What a post…what a woman…Thank you for all of this information and the many recipes…I knew about some of them…I can’t wait to try making the pesto…yummy… Please continue to help us all live better lives with your knowledge, training, experience and caring. You never fail to amaze me…you have changed my life!!!!!!! You are simply the very best! Miriam

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